Useful links or what you might have missed during quarantine.

Dear users and readers of the al-Farabi library. It has already been 3 months since the announcement of quarantine in our country, nevertheless, the library staff of al-Farabi did not stop providing library services for a second.

In this article, we will talk about what important news you might have missed during this period, especially since the site has undergone changes that may not be familiar for some time.

  • Links to the resources of our partners who, during the quarantine period, also assisted in the provision of quality services remotely:
  1. One of the largest technical publishers, IEEE, has provided free access to its platforms. More about Hundreds of hours of e-learning see here, and An educational platform with the opportunity to receive an international certificate is available for free here. Attention! Free access only until June 30, 2020!
  2. EBSCO International Corporation provided free remote access to 17 databases; for more details, see the partners website (push here for opening).
  3. Znanium EBs also provided access to their collections during the quarantine period, push here, for more information or push here for opening partners resource.
  4. Click here to find out what other partners provide access from home to their resources. Attention! Free access only until June 30, 2020!
  5. Here are the platforms for distance learning.
