Karazhan Kuanyshbek Suleimenuly 75th anniversary

The al-Farabi Library hosted a scientific and practical conference “Topical issues of the history of the Fatherland during the period of Independence”, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the birth of Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Kuanyshbek Suleimenovich Karazhan.

Kuanyshbek Suleymenuly Karazhan was born on January 27, 1947 in the village of Usharal, Talas district, Zhambyl region (State farm Talas Karakol). In 1965 he graduated from an 11-year school in this village. Graduated from the Faculty of History of the Kazakh National University (1973). 1973-82 Kazakh national tech. teacher of the Kazakh National University, since 1982 – Associate Professor of the Kazakh National University, from 1982-91 – Head of the Department of History of Kazakhstan, from 1992-2001 – Dean of the Faculty of History (1991-93), since 2001 – Head of the Department sources and historiography.

In connection with this event, the Al-Farabi Library organized an informational and documentary exhibition.

Date: 24.02.2022

Exhibition organaizer: Al-Farabi Library.

Read more: here
