We invite you to participate in the Library Review: Professional Sources Webinar.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the pilot version of the project: Review of professional sources.

Purpose of the project: This project will help to acquaint librarians, readers and users with various professional library sources, connected databases and book novelties of the al-Farabi library.

Date and time: Every second and fourth Friday of the month, at 10:30 am.

Duration: 20 minutes

Организатор: Центр развития и коммуникаций Библиотеки аль-Фараби.

Organizer: Center for Development and Communication of the Al-Farabi Library.
Speakers: Specialists and employees of the al-Farabi library, invited experts and representatives of partners, as well as public figures.


Platform: Zoom

Spectators: Everyone.

You can see about this and other projects here .

For participation, please contact through the service“Зада Ask a question to the librarian”
