To the attention of students: scholarships, registration in a medical organization, military registration and other issues …

The Keremet Student Service Center is a modern service center providing over 500 socially significant educational, medical, social, cultural and leisure services on the principle of one window. The idea of ​​creating the center belongs to the rector of the university Galymkair Mutanov.
Here you will be helped and advised on the services that are relevant to you:

  • for tuition fees;
  • on scholarships;
  • on receipt of bank cards (for a scholarship);
  • registration in a medical institution;
  • for registration for military registration;
  • by temporary registration at the place of residence);
  • for visa and migration support.

Fore more information click here.

Contacts of the specialists available here.

We also recommend subscribing to the Keremet DSP page on Instagramm, where relevant and useful information is laid out. For example, in this video, experts answer the question “How to open a bank card for freshmen in order to receive a scholarship”
