Invitation to the IEEE webinar

Dear readers, please, accept our invitation to the IEEE training: “IEEE Xplore Electronic Library application for academic and research purposes”, organized by the official representative of the IEEE publishing house.

Date and time: February 21st, 2024, at 3:00 PM – Almaty time

Duration: 1 hour

The language of the training: Russian

Moderator: Zhabrov V.V., IEEE representative in Kazakhstan.

Platform: Microsoft Teams

Link to join: here

Certificate provided

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is an international nonprofit association of power engineers and electronics specialists, a world leader in the development of standards for radio electronics, electrical engineering and hardware for computing systems and networks. IEEE publishes the third part of the world’s technical literature, and has more than 443,000 members in more than 160 countries around the world.

The training is aimed at 1-year students, as well as for everyone who wants to get acquainted with IEEE scientific resources. During the training, we will talk about the functionality and tools of the IEEE Xplore library.

IEEE Xplore is an international database providing access to more than 6 million full–text technical documents on electrical engineering, information technology and electronics.

IEEE Xplore collections contain:

• 200 IEEE scientific journals, periodicals and collections of papers,

• More than 1,800 collections of IEEE conferences,

• More than 4,600 approved and published IEEE standards.
