Event dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Zholdasbek Mambetov

In the library Al-Farabi hosted the Republican scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the scientist, candidate of philological sciences ZHOLDASBEK MAMBETOV “MODERN LITERARY CRITIQUE: PROBLEMS OF NATIONAL KNOWLEDGE AND ETHICAL PERCEPTION”.

Criticism is a source of literature, a mentor, a guide. We need to worry about the present and future of Kazakhstani art history. After all, the fateful path of the past and the school of education are the basis of today, the direction of the future.
Literary criticism gives an aesthetic assessment of a work of art, analyzes how the depicted reality of life became an artistic reality, explains its meaning, reveals and directs the features of modern literary life.

In connection with this event, the Library. Al-Farabi organized a book exhibition.

Date: 17 June 2022

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