80 years anniversary professor Raushan Elemesov

The Faculty of International Relations hosted an informational and documentary conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of Economics, professor, statesman and public figure Raushan Elemesovich Elemesov.

In connection with this event, the Al-Farabi Library organized an informational and documentary exhibition.

Date: 28.05.2022

Organizer of the exhibition: Al-Farabi Library.

The exhibition consists of 4 parts:

  • Ғалым Раушан Елемесұлы Елемесовтың туғанына 80 жыл
  • Өлшеусіз еңбек
  • Ұстаз есімі мәңгі
  • ҚазҰУ оқытушыларының еңбектері

A brief overview of the exhibition:

Ғалым Раушан Елемесұлы Елемесовтың туғанына 80 жыл. R. E. Yelemesov was one of those who was born in the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War. His father, whose main profession was a shepherd, lived in the Elemess steppe. Wintering took place on the bank of the Arys River, and spring came out on the slopes of Karatau. In the spring of 1942, a boy named Raushan was born at this address. Currently, it is a village of Tuyetas Boraldaysky rural okrug of Baydibek district.The Kazakh diaspora in Moscow had no less influence on the formation of personality. The book of M. B. tells about the meaningful and moral life of Professor R. E. Elemesov . Batyrbekova “outstanding scientists-teachers of higher education. Republic of Kazakhstan” and bio-bibliographic index “Elemesov Raushan Elemesovich”.

Өлшеусіз еңбек. Monographs, about two hundred scientific articles by Raushan Elemesov in the field of world political economy and international relations have been published. Books, conference materials and periodical articles published in different years are included in this section.

Ұстаз есімі мәңгі. Professor R. Yelemesov supervised four doctoral and about twenty PhD dissertations. According to the branch of the economy, there are two pH.D was a research supervisor. The section contains memories of colleagues, students about R. Elemesov E.

ҚазҰУ оқытушыларының еңбектері. The works of the faculty of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in the field of economics and international relations are presented.

The reading direction of the exhibition: conference participants, students and faculty, doctoral students, undergraduates, guests, library readers, etc.

Documents presented at the exhibition: books, periodicals.
