X Congress of Political Scientists was held at KazNU

The X Congress of Political Scientists of Kazakhstan on the theme “New Kazakhstan in a new world” was held at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

The event was attended by Secretary of State of Kazakhstan Yerlan Karin, Minister of Education and Science of Kazakhstan Askhat Aimagambetov, Chairman of the Board – Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebayev, representatives of state bodies, deputies, scientists, experts and teachers of universities of the country.

The State Secretary of the Republic of Kazakhstan Yerlan Karin addressed the participants of the event with a welcoming speech. In his speech, he expressed gratitude to political scientists for participating in the congress and wished fruitful work.

“Political scientists from different parts of our country gathered for today’s event. The program of the Congress of Political Scientists is informative. Talking about a New Kazakhstan is impossible without taking into account key trends in the development of global political and economic processes. The referendum to be held on June 5 will be the beginning of positive changes. Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has already determined what the New Kazakhstan will be like. First of all, fair. The new Kazakhstan is a reboot of all industries. The people will participate in this process and make their choice,” Yerlan Karin said.

Welcoming the honored guests to the walls of the higher educational institution, Rector of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebayev stressed that the recommendations formed by the professional community of political scientists should be not only objective, but also effective.

“Political scientists, responding promptly to internal and external political processes, form proposals for making effective decisions. Now, political scientists face new challenges from the point of view of theoretical and applied political science. The format of today’s meeting allows us to search for and form new meanings and ideas on the development of the country,” said the rector of the university.

In connection with this event, the Al-Farabi Library organized a book exhibition.

Date: 20 may 2022 year

The purpose of the exhibition is to reveal the reforms taking place in our country using the documents available in the library’s collection.
The reading direction of the exhibition: scientists gathered at the event, library users-students and teaching staff, doctoral students, undergraduates, library staff, etc.

Exhibition sections:

  • Новый Казахстан: путь обновления и модернизации;
  • Модернизированная внешняя политика;
  • Казахстан и международные организации;
  • Международное сотрудничество;
  • Труды Казахстанского института стратегических исследований;
  • Научные труды ученых «Института философии, политологии и религиоведения» КН МОН РК
  • Труды профессорско-преподавательского состава;
  • Достижения КазНУ имени аль-Фараби;
  • Наследие аль-Фараби и современность;
  • Новые издания трактатов аль-Фараби;
  • Труды профессорско-преподавательского состава;
  • Труды профессорско-преподавательского состава;

Новый Казахстан: путь обновления и модернизации; “The exhibition opens ” “new Kazakhstan: the way of modernization and modernization””, where the address of the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan K. Tokaev” “New Kazakhstan: the way of modernization and modernization””, presented by the president on March 16, 2022, was presented.” “Attention to a wide circle, the article K. Tokayeva published in the newspaper “” Egemen Kazakhstan “” on January 5, 2021 “”independence is the most precious””, in which the president of Kazakhstan called the Kazakh society to review its history.” “I don’t know,” he said. “Sartayeva “” we live in the constitutional space””, you can get acquainted with the current developments: collection of materials of the international online conference “” from the listening state to the Just state””, monograph A. Bakir “”formation of a professional Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan””.” “At the same time, zh. Tuimebayeva was presented an article in the newspaper” “Egemen Kazakhstan” “on March 18, 2022 “”prerequisites for the development of a new Kazakhstan””.”

Модернизированная внешняя политика; The section of the exhibition “Modernized Foreign Policy” exhibits literature on foreign policy and diplomacy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, stored in the collections of the library. The readers are presented the main works of the Head of State K. Tokayev “Nur men kolenke”, “Under the banner of Independence: essays on Kazakhstan’s foreign policy”, “Kazakhstan’s Foreign policy in the context of globalization”, devoted to topical issues of diplomacy and foreign policy.

Казахстан и международные организации; In this section, there is literature on cooperation between Kazakhstan and international organizations, such as the UN, OSCE, NATO, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, CIS, etc. Here you can get acquainted with A. Arystanbekova’s monograph “Kazakhstan in the UN: history and prospects”, dedicated to the main areas of cooperation between Kazakhstan and the UN in the context of globalization. The book “On the edge of world politics. Kazakhstan in the UN Security Council – 2017-2018”, introduces us to the most striking events related to Kazakhstan’s work in the UN Security Council in 2017-2018. Also, the literature on Kazakhstan’s chairmanship in the OSCE is presented.

Международное сотрудничество; Kazakhstan has become a major player in international politics today, which is due to its strategically advantageous geographical position on the border of two parts of the world, Europe and Asia. Kazakhstan has established diplomatic relations with 130 States. The section “International cooperation” presents literature that reveals Kazakhstan’s international relations with other states. Relations with strategic partners like Turkey, USA, China, Russia, etc. You can get acquainted with the works of “Kazakhstan zhane alem elderi”, “Kazakhstan in the international community”, “Politics and interests of world powers in Kazakhstan”.

Труды Казахстанского института стратегических исследований; According to the Global Go To Think Tank Index Report for 2020 (University of Pennsylvania), KISI heads the top three leading think tanks in the Caucasus, Central and South Asia (out of 58 centers), and also entered the top think tanks in the world in the nomination “Best Policy and Institutional Response to Covid-19”. This section of the exhibition presents the works of the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan: “Kazakhstan kogami damuynn ozekti maseleri”, “National modernization strategies: achievements and prospects”, A. Chebotarev’s monograph “Political thought of Sovereign Kazakhstan: origins, evolution, modernity”.

Научные труды ученых «Института философии, политологии и религиоведения» КН МОН РК

Today, the Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies is a highly professional research center. The Institute works in three key areas that define its structure: philosophy, political science and religious studies.
In this section, the works of scientists of this institute are exhibited.

Труды профессорско-преподавательского состава In this section of the exhibition you can get acquainted with the works of the faculty of the Department of Political Science and Political Technologies of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

Достижения КазНУ имени аль-Фараби This section of the exhibition presents literature on the history of the university, the scientific activities of the teaching staff, the achievements of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

Наследие аль-Фараби и современность The section dedicated to the legacy of al-Farabi presents the works of Abu Nasir al-Farabi “The Virtuous City”, “The Big Book about Music”, as well as scientific research by the country’s leading Farabi scholars. You can get acquainted with the works of such authors as Agyn Kasymzhanov, Akzhan Mashani, Absattar Derbisali.KazNU named after al-Farabi in 2020 released the encyclopedia “Abu Nasyr al-Farabi”, dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of the great scientist.

Новые издания трактатов аль-Фараби New editions of al-Farabi’s works are presented by this section of the exhibition, among them al-Farabi “Gylym turaly kitap”, “Philosophiyalyk tractattar” and other treatises of the great scientist.

Труды профессорско-преподавательского состава

Here you can get acquainted with the works of teachers and professors of al-Farabi Kazakh National University in the field of journalism, philology, literary studies, cultural studies. The works of our rector are presented Zh. Tuimebayeva “Kazakh tili. Grammatikalyk anyktagysh” (2004), “History of Turkic-Kazakh-Mongolian ethno-linguistic relations” (2008)

Труды профессорско-преподавательского состава The works of teachers and professors of KazNU will continue in this section: works on history, philosophy, economics and legal sciences are presented. The textbook “Methods of archaeological research” by the scientist historian M. Eleuov, “Innovative Economics” by the scientist of the Faculty of Economics K. E. Kubaev and other works of scientists are presented here. philosophy, law.

Exhibition documents: literature – copies.

Exhibition design: books, magazines, articles, quotes.
Aphorisms and quotes from the exhibition:
