100 years since the birth of Uakhit Khamzaevich Shalekenov

International scientific and practical conference on the topic “Archeology, ethnology of Kazakhstan and current problems of national history: modern practice and direction of development” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Honorary Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, veteran of the Great Patriotic War, Colonel, Professor Shalekenov Uakhit Khamzaevich.

The famous scientist-historian, professor, ethnologist and archaeologist, elder of the community of modern historians and teacher of subsequent waves, WWII veteran Vakhit Shalekenov, who participated in World War II at the age of 18 and defended his homeland, would have turned 100 years old today.

In connection with this event, the Al-Farabi Library organized a book exhibition.

Date: 16 may 2022

The purpose of the exhibition: to increase the scientific search of students and young scientists, to promote the implementation of creative ideas and new ideas of the guests. To acquaint with the works of the scientist-historian, Professor Vakhit Shalekenov, who made every effort to establish scientific ties, determine the scientific direction of the department, the failure of the then newly opened Faculty of Archaeology and Ethnography.

The exhibition consists of 3 parts:

  • Ғалым.Тұлға.Қайраткер
  • Тағылымы мол ұстаз
  • Археологиялық ескерткіштер

Ғалым.Тұлға.Қайраткер. The life and scientific and pedagogical activity of Professor U. H. Shalekenov is an example to follow. Uakit Khakhzauli was born on May 12, 1924 in the village of Serikbai of the Kharabalinsky district of the Astrakhan region in a worker’s family. Shalekenov, who lost his parents early, moves to Karakalpakstan in the hands of his sister, so he spends most of his adult life in Karakalpakstan. In 1973, he was elected head of the Department of Archeology and Ethnography of the Historical Faculty of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. In 1974, Professor U.H.Shalekenov organized the first archaeological expedition of the Historical Faculty of the Kazakh State University. As a result of this expedition, the largest permanent archaeological base of the Faculty of History was opened in Aktobe, the largest capital of the medieval Turks. 1977-1985 As Dean of the Faculty of History, he also contributes to the growth and prosperity of the faculty.

Тағылымы мол ұстаз. U.H.Shalekenov is a well–known historian, archaeologist, and ethnographer. His published works and articles in this field have also contributed to the undisclosed pages of our history. To study history, we must first turn to the sciences that study its roots. One of them is the science of ethnology, which has a great future. Ethnology is a branch of science that studies the traditions of the people in the modern world and analyzes the way of life, material and spiritual culture, ethnic history and ethnological processes of the people. During the ethnographic expedition, new, as yet unknown to science objects are discovered, familiar objects are replenished and explored.

Археологиялық ескерткіштер. The first information about the archaeological monuments of Kazakhstan is found in the works of medieval scientists and historians, geographers and travelers. In their works, they talked about unusual things, images, cities and villages that existed a long time ago, which they saw with their own eyes or were known to them. In this regard, the publishing house of the Kazakh University published the book “Kazakh Archeology”, authors: Baypakov K.M., Taymagambetov Zh.K., Zhumaganbetov T. The main purpose of the exhibition is to acquaint schoolchildren with the history of national archeology.

The reading direction of the exhibition: library users – students and teaching staff, doctoral students, undergraduates, library staff, etc.

Documents presented at the exhibition: books, magazines, newspapers.
