International publisher Begell House provides access to Biomedical and Engineering collections

Dear readers! From 04/01/2022 to 06/28/2022, our university will have access to the Biomedical and Engineering Collections resources from the leading international publisher Begell House.

Direct link by registered IP address to Engineering Collection: herе

To use remote access, follow the link below: herе

Your login: alfarabikazakhnatuniv

Your password: Wu=GQS3%

Begell House. It was created as a source of scientific publications of important research and materials. Over 30 years, a comprehensive list of high impact engineering and biomedical journals has been developed, as well as hundreds of research books and reference materials.

Begell House publishes papers in two main research areas:

1) Biomedical research:

Biomedical research,

cancer research,

Biological Sciences

2) Engineering research:

Aerospace research

Chemistry and chemical engineering

Energy and Environment

Industry Research

mechanical engineering

Nuclear power

The most famous Begell House magazines:

International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification Impact-Factor — 4.911

Atomization and Sprays Impact-Factor — 1.737

International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering Impact- Factor— 1.016

Journal of Porous Media Impact – factor — 1.75

Collection: The ENGINEERING RESEARCH: here

Biomedical Research Collection: herе
