120 years anniversary Kazakhs writer Gabit Musrepov

Book exhibition “Körkem sozdin sheberi”, dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of the national writer, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR Gabit Makhmutovich Musrepov.

Musrepov Gabit Makhmutovich (1902-1985) – a well-known Kazakh writer, public and statesman, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, literary critic, translator, Hero of Socialist Labor, People’s Writer of Kazakhstan, laureate of the State Prizes of Abai and Sh. Valikhanov, laureate of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR.

In connection with this event, the Library. Al-Farabi organized a book exhibition.

Date: 24 March 2022

The purpose of the exhibition: The purpose of the exhibition is to inspire the younger generation to industriousness, courage, kindness, love for the Motherland, present their good deeds, their works, direct their creative searches, evaluate vocabulary, following the example of a writer, moral life, courage and truthfulness teaches respect for literature and the culture of the Kazakh people, to understand the power of the word.

The exhibition consists of 3 parts:

  • G.Musyrepovtyn shygarmashylygy;
  • G.Musyrepovtyn zhaily estelykter
  • «Suretter syr shertedy» aidarymen omyry, otbasylyk zhagdaiy .

G.Musyrepovtyn shygarmashylygy. Gabit Musrepov from 1938 to 1955 was engaged in the Unified Writer’s Work. In 1955-1966 he was the chief editor of the magazine “Ara”, the first secretary of the board of the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan. From 1966 until the end of his life he was engaged only in creativity. Hero of Socialist Labor Gabit Musrepov is an academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, a deputy of the highest Soviets of the USSR and the Kazakh SSR, a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan, a secretary of the directorates of the Unions of Writers of the USSR and Kazakhstan, a member of the Soviet Committee for Friendship and Cooperation with the Countries of Asia-Africa and the Committee for Culture Europe, Committee on Lenin and State Prizes.

G.Musyrepovtyn zhaily estelykter. “Gabit Musrepov lived for almost a century. He lived in a very turbulent time, he loved his country. They were full of love and longed for beauty. Gabit’s legacy is a national treasure. Along with his work, his life is a bright page in our spiritual history.Therefore, every word said about him, every preserved fact will be valuable for future generations,” says the memoirs of the writer S. Orazaly Musrepov. Gabit Musrepov is a great man who gave all his talents and energy for the honor of his native people. So the unique happiness and honor of the fate of the beloved Gabin, endowed with the same kindness and gratitude, should be, first of all, a feature of the next life …

Suretter syr shertedі” Aidarymen omіrі, otbasylyk zhagdayy. Many were interested in the personal life of the writer. Her beautiful personality and passion for love seems to be reflected in her beauty. While in Orenburg, Gabit fell in love with a Tatar girl Kusni Dzhagfarova, who studied at the Pedagogical Institute. They will get married soon. They lived together for 40 years and raised 4 daughters Galiya, Rosa, Mara and Raihan. Gabita knew how to love, and he became the favorite of many beauties. He tasted the sweet taste of glory and honor, the bitter taste of slander and persecution. But his perseverance, courage and natural talent did not break him.

The readership of the exhibition: students, guests, readers, etc.

Documents presented at the exhibition: books, magazines, photographs.
