Scientific-practical conference “Nauryz: traditions and revival”

The scientific-practical conference “Nauryz: traditions and revival” was held in the al-Farabi library with the participation of the Faculty of History

Nauryz is the main holiday of the year for both the Kazakhs and other peoples of Asia, which has been celebrated for many millennia. Nauryz is a holiday of spring, the renewal of nature, the beginning of a new year, a new life.

In connection with this event, the Al-Farabi Library organized a scientific and theoretical exhibition.

Date: 15 March 2022

Exhibition organizer: Al-Farabi Library.

The purpose of the exhibition: To give an idea of ​​Nauryz, to tell about interesting games, interesting events on Nauryz To form the qualities of beauty, dexterity, courage in readers, students, guests in accordance with national traditions. Understand the educational value of the traditions and customs of the Kazakh people, the formation of moral qualities, learning from the example of the people, the formation of their people as citizens of the Motherland. encourage and respect the words of the father.

The exhibition consists of 5 parts

  • Kone dasturlerdy kaita zhangyrty
  • Tugan olkem-tungan shezhyre
  • Nauryz – ulystyn uly kuny
  • Salt – dasturym tausylmaityn bailygym
  • Ulttyk kiym men tagam -ult maktanushy
  • Brief overview of the exhibition

Kone dasturlerdy kaita zhangyrty In our independent country, our duty is to instill in the minds of future generations the ancient traditions left by our ancestors, to revive and revive the lost ones. Respect for the traditions of ancestors is the national consciousness of Kazakh folk pedagogy. According to the family tradition, first of all, the duty of the next generation is to respect the father, then the grandfather, great-grandfather and pay off debts to them. It is the duty of generations to give mother’s milk, to work, to respect the traditions of the fathers, to continue these traditions, to strictly follow moral principles.The exposition included the revival of ancient traditions, a 4-volume encyclopedia “Kazakh traditional system of ethnographic categories, concepts and names”, a 2-volume book “Traditions and customs of the Kazakh people”.

Tugan olkem-tungan shezhyre According to the Kazakh people, there is nothing sacred in the homeland. Everyone who drinks the pure water of their homeland and inhales the fragrant air should feel a special feeling for their homeland. The Kazakh people have gone through many milestones on the way to unification as a nation. According to our ancient historians and scientists, the holiday of Nauryz began with the joy of the arrival of the “ship of the prophet Noah” on Mount Kazygurt, when the flood came and the animals landed on the ship.The exposition includes “Kazakh Chronicles”, “Chronicles of the Turks, Kyrgyz-Kazakhs and Khans” by Shakarim Kudaiberdievich, “Collection of Chronicles” by Kadyrgali Zhalair, as well as genealogical books published in the series of the history of the Kazakh people.

Nauryz – ulystyn uly kuny Nauryz is a holiday of the beginning of the year, which has developed since ancient times. According to the current calendar (March 22), this is the time of the equinox. In Old Persian nava = new + razang = day, which means “new day”, in modern Persian it has the same meaning (but = new + rose = day, which means “new day”), i.e. “new year” (celebrating the sunrise) means. Nauryz is celebrated in Kazakhstan for three days: March 21-23 (since 2010). In general, Nauryz is celebrated among the Persian, Caucasian and Turkic peoples as a spring holiday and the beginning of a new year. It is celebrated in Iran on March 21, in Central Asia and Azerbaijan, as a national holiday in Tajikistan and Kazakhstan on March 22, in Uzbekistan and Turkey on March 21.

Salt – dasturym tausylmaityn bailygym The Kazakh people have a variety of traditions. The traditions of our people can serve as an example for any people. Traditions are a manifestation of the historical, social, cultural, professional, ritual, ritual, behavioral, educational and spiritual activities of the people, which are transmitted from father to son and continue to develop. This section includes “Traditions of the Kazakh people”, “Traditional art of the Kazakh people” by Omirbekova, “Traditional culture of the Kazakhs”, “Strong traditions of a strong people” by Kasymkhan Begmanov, as well as those related to traditions: “Betashar”, “Kazakh marriage”, “Wedding and other books.

Ulttyk kiym men tagam -ult maktanushy“The most beautiful clothes are the clothes of your people,” said great people. The type and style of national costumes of the Kazakh people were no less than that of any other people. His works are exhibited in ethnographic museums and exhibitions around the world. In the culture of the nation, valuable clothes were used as gifts, memorials and symbols in diplomatic relations. Giving a horse and a mantle is considered a sign of respect. The Kazakh people attached great importance to food. Our people prepare dishes from meat and milk themselves. Medicinal products, such as koumiss and shubat, are generally not available in Western countries.This is the nature of our people. There are many different terms associated with our national table and they need to be studied. These terms are an integral part of the rich Kazakh language and national culture. Therefore, we must know it and keep it.

The readership of the exhibition: conference participants, guests, library readers, etc.

Documents presented at the exhibition: books, magazines.
