Markhabat Tomanovich Tomanov 90th anniversary

In the Al-Farabi library hosted the international scientific and theoretical conference “Diachronic paradigm in Turkology” dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Markhabat Tomanovich Tomanov.

March 3, 2022 in the assembly hall of KazNU. Al-Farabi will host an international scientific and theoretical conference “diachronic paradigm in Turkology”, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding corresponding scientist, Doctor of Philology, Professor Markhabat Tomanovich Tomanov.

In connection with this event, the Al-Farabi Library organized an informational and documentary exhibition.

Date: 03.03.2022

Exhibition organaizer: Al-Farabi Library.

The exhibition consists of 3 parts:

  • Тіл тарихын зерттеген кемел ғалым
  • Профессор Мархабат Томановтың туғанына – 90 жыл
  • Қазақ тілінің тарихи грамматикасы

A brief overview of the exhibition

Тіл тарихын зерттеген кемел ғалым. Tomanov Markhabat Tomanovich was born on February 5, 1932 in the village of Abla, Karmakshy district, Kyzylorda region. An outstanding correspondent scientist, Doctor of Philology, who made a great contribution to the development of Kazakh linguistics and science. Professor M. Tomanov advocates the study of ancient Turkic monuments not only in linguistic terms, but also as a literary, historical and archaeological heritage. In modern research papers, this issue is considered comprehensively and comprehensively in a complex aspect.

Профессор Мархабат Томановтың туғанына – 90 жыл. The scientific works of M. Tomanov, doctor of philological sciences, professor, member of the International Turkological Committee, are extensive. Tomanov also wrote a comparative grammar of the Turkic languages and for the first time wrote a historical grammar of the Kazakh language, based on scientific considerations, conclusions formed in Altaistics, the Turkic language. A comprehensive, comprehensive comparison of ancient data revealed the main features of the phonetic and morphological structure of the Turkic languages.

Қазақ тілінің тарихи грамматикасы. The human language system is an interdisciplinary, multifaceted process. Its development system is distinguished by the presence of various patterns inherent in it. The richness of a language is achieved not by borrowing words from other languages, but by developing the semantic, personal development of the native language and creating a derivative word. From this point of view, the word-formation process is the only phenomenon in the enrichment of the vocabulary.

The reading direction of the exhibition: conference participants, guests, library readers, etc.

Documents presented at the exhibition: books, magazines, photographs.

Purpose of the exhibition: The scientist left behind great scientific works of deep theoretical significance on such complex issues as syntax, stylistics, morphology of the modern Kazakh language, Kazakh literary language, dialectology, historical grammar of the Kazakh language, the language of ancient written archives, Historical phonetics, comparative grammar of the Turkic languages . It is indisputable that today the Kazakh language is the state language of independent Kazakhstan and serves for the further scientific and theoretical development of the Kazakh language.
