Marat Karibaevich Barmankulov 85th anniversary

The international scientific and practical conference «Journalism for All: Media and New Generation Technologies» dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Marat Karibayevich Barmankulov was held in a mixed format (hybrid).

Marat Karibayevich Barmankulov is one of the first TV journalists in Kazakhstan, the founder of the theory of television and radio journalism, as well as the Department of Television and Radio Journalism, television and radio studio in Kaznu. He is an honorary teacher of journalists working in republican newspapers and magazines and in various fields of electronic media.

In connection with this event, the Al-Farabi Library organized an informational and documentary exhibition.

Date: 25.02.2022

Exhibition organaizer: Al-Farabi Library.

The exhibition consists of 3 parts:

  • The luminary of domestic television
  • The world of Marat Barmankulov
  • Barmankulov readings

A brief overview of the exhibition

The luminary of domestic television. Marat Karibayevich Barmankulov was born on February 13, 1937 in Talgar, Almaty region. In 1954, he entered the journalism department of the Faculty of Philology of the Kazakh State University named after S. M. Kirov. After graduating from this educational institution in 1959, he worked in a television studio in Almaty: first as a correspondent, then as an editor, commentator, and for two years as a responsible editor.

The world of Marat Barmankulov. Марат Кәрібайұлы Барманқұлов журналистика факультеті үшін жаңа курстарды әзірлеп, енгізді: «Радиохабар және теледидар негіздері», «Теле-радиопублицистиканың жанрлары», «Баспа, радио және теледидар жанрының салыстырмалы талдауы», «Қазіргі шетел журналистикасы». М.К. Барманқұловтың «Репортаж на радио и ТВ» (1970ж.) және «Весь мир у вас в квартире» (1972 ж.), «Журналистика для всех» атты алғашқы кітаптары – ХХІ ғасырдың осы заман журналист-студенттерінің қолдан түсірмейтін кітабы болып табылады. 

Barmankulov readings. Every year, on his birthday, the traditional “Barmankulov readings” are held at the Faculty of journalism of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. His close relatives, students, colleagues, comrades, like-minded people gather here to remember his teacher and share their experience and new knowledge, which has become an urgent problem of journalism today.

The reading direction of the exhibition: conference participants, guests, library readers, etc.

Documents presented at the exhibition: books, magazines.

Purpose of the exhibition: To acquaint readers with the books and works of the first researcher of the domestic television industry, fundamental theorist, scientific teacher of youth Barmankulov Marat Karibayevich from the Al-Farabi Library fund.
