Month of free access to AccessMedicine

Dear researchers and teachers of the Faculty of Medicine and Public Health! We are pleased to announce that McGraw Hill has provided free access to the AccessMedicine resource for our university.

To use the resource follow the link

Enter your login and password to get test access:

Login: afknu
Password: Medicine2022

We remind you that a webinar on AccessMedicine will take place on February 25, 2022

Link to webinar

More about the resource:

This is a comprehensive online medical resource that provides a full range of knowledge from the best experts in the field of medicine. It contains training courses for medical students, residents, nurses, paramedics and medical practitioners. This is an excellent resource for general medicine, family medicine, and medical and health education in a variety of specialties.

AccessMedicine in numbers:

✓ 160+ titles

✓ 70,000+ printed pages

✓ 30,000+ images

✓ 700+ video and audio clips

✓ 10+ hours of support video instructions

✓ 10000+ questions and answers (Q&A)

✓ 100+ interactive flashcards for self testing

✓ 400+ case studies

✓ 1000+ complete drug monographs

✓ 1000+ patient handouts in multiple languages
