International scientific and methodological online conference

In KazNU them. Al Farabi hosted the International Scientific and Methodological Conference on the theme: “El Rukhy”: Information space of Independent Kazakhstan.

Library named after Al-Farabi presented the exhibition “El Rukhy”: the information media space of independent Kazakhstan in honor of the 30th anniversary of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Al-Farabi library, together with our country, contributed to the celebration of independence and presented at the exhibition books, magazines and other documents from the library of Al -Farabi dedicated to the topic of information media.

In connection with this event, the Library. Al-Farabi organized an informational and documentary exhibition.

Dаte 22 December 2021

Time: a.m.11:00

Exhibition organizer: Al-Farabi Library.

The exhibition consists of the following sections

“El Rukhy”: Tauelsiz Kazakhstannyk akparattyk media kenistigi

Journalism Alemi – alyp mukhit

Brief overview of the exhibitition

“El Rukhy”: Tauelsiz Kazakhstannyk akparattyk media kenistigi. The exhibition opens a cycle of books dedicated to information security in the media space of Kazakhstan. Let’s get acquainted with many books on Media and journalism published under the Rouhani zhagyru program.

Journalism Alemi – alyp mukhit. Books on Kazakh journalism make up the next section of the exhibition. This section presents books by well-known Kazakh journalists, including “Kazakh zhurnadary”, A. Akynbekova, “Elzhandylyk muraty zhane baspassuz bedeli” by Zhumabek Kenzhalin, “Kazynulaktan kazak radioosyna deyin” Namazaly Omashuly.

Readership of the exhibition: conference participants, guests, library readers, etc.

Documents presented at the exhibition: books, magazines.

Results of the exhibition: familiarization of readers with materials on biology from the collection of the Al-Farabi library.
