Educational platform Urait and opportunities for distance learning

From 01/06/20 to 31/05/21, the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University has access to the Yurayt Educational Platform.

Up-to-date information about the Urayt platform: auxiliary materials for students and teachers.

Detailed instructions on using the platform here

More details

The educational platform “Yurayt” is a virtual reading room of textbooks and teaching aids from authors from leading Russian universities in the following areas: business and economics; humanities, social and natural sciences; healthcare and medicine; computers and informatics; jurisprudence; pedagogy; Agriculture; applied sciences and technology. A database of 9250+ courses from the leading scientific schools of Russia (texts, an interactive fund of assessment tools, educational media, 75+ different services in total) in 7620+ disciplines in all areas of training, all copyrights are long-term.

Video instructions

How to register students with a list:

Administrator’s personal account:

All video instructions are available here

Additional instructions
