Invitation to Elsevier webinars

Dear readers, we invite you to the Scopus webinars from Elsevier publishing house:

Practical webinar on Scopus and analysis of user questions

Date and time: July 5, 2024 г., 15:00 pm

Link to join: here

Metrics in Scopus: their responsible use and important features, best practices

Date and time: July 8, 2024 г., 16:00 pm

Link to join: here

Scopus / Elsevier Webinar: Review of Publication Models and publication fees

Date and time: July 9, 2024 г., 16:00 pm

Link to join: here

Form of the event: online

Duration: 1 hour

The language of the webinar: Russian language

Speaker: Anton Degtev is an expert on the successful conduct of Elsevier research

Platform: Zoom

Certificate provided
