Academic Search Complete

Multidisciplinary database “Academic Search Complete” – This is a wide collection of full-text journals that provides researchers with access to high-quality information, indispensable for their work.

Date subscription: 01.10.2022-03.12.2022

Link to the website: Academic Search Complete

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Login: al-farabi

Password: Database2022!

Topics: biology, biotechnology, bioinformatics, geography, geology, physics, mathematics, mechanics, information technology, history, law, international relations, economics, management, linguistics, philosophy, psychology, world literature

Resource type: full text

Types of publications: scientific journals

Volume: more than 6144 current full-text scientific journals from 2700 publishers in 114 countries.

Publication language: Russian, English

Attention! After registration on the territory of KazNU, remote access is possible

Registration instructions
