Remote access to Wiley Online Library

The scientific content of the publishing house is presented on the Wiley Online Library platform (

Аt the Kazakh National University al-Farabi opened access to a collection of 137 Wiley journals in natural and technical areas.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of Wiley journals available at the university here


Users of Wiley subscriber organizations can remotely access the publisher’s resources outside the organization’s IP network through the Google Scholar system, as well as through a Wiley Online Library account.

If a user has registered and logged into the Wiley Online Library platform while on the organization’s network, their Wiley profile will automatically be associated with the organization. The user subsequently gains access to Wiley resources by logging into the Wiley Online Library account from any computer for 60 days. To renew access, you must regularly update the relationship between the account and the organization, i.e. Sign in to your Wiley Online Library account from within the organization’s network at least once every 60 days.

You can learn more about remonte access here

Instructions for registration:

John Wiley & Sons (short name – Wiley) is one of the oldest academic (scientific) publishers in the world with a rich history and an equally impressive collection of content and solutions for science, higher education and business.

More than 450 Nobel Prize winners have published their work in the journals of the publishing house. Every year, Wiley journals demonstrate high citation rates and impact factors, with many publications ranking first in their respective fields.

The publishing house publishes materials in all fields of knowledge. Currently, the company owns the rights to more than 21,000 scientific books (annually publishing about 1,000 new titles), 1,600 scientific journals (including a large number of world-famous and respected publications), as well as encyclopedias and reference books, databases with scientific information on chemistry and medicine (including the Cochrane Library for Evidence-Based Medicine).
