In KazNU named after Al-Farabi, within the framework of events dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a week was held in the library of Al-Farabi called “Kazakh rukhani tiregi-Kazakh radio”, organized by the Faculty of Journalism.
On September 29, 1921, the Council of People’s Commissars of the Kazakh ASSR made a decision to establish the Republican radio broadcasting. From the then capital of Kazakhstan – the city of Orenburg, from October 1921, they began to broadcast throughout the republic. In Kyzylorda, the capital of the Kazakh SSR after Orenburg, on October 3, 1926, Kazakh radio continued to broadcast regularly. The Almaty radio station opened on May 1, 1931. However, its broadcasts were regular only at the beginning of the season, first for 4 hours a day, and then from 6 to 12 hours. The structure of the Kazakh Radio Committee for 1939 according to the staffing table: leadership; sector of agitation and propaganda; Release of the latest news; music, news; editing of literary and drama programs; Children’s newspaper room; manufacturing sector; community service and the radio listener sector; radiological education; the radio amateur sector; control and inspection group; department of mechanical communications; sector of network messages; leaders; service staff; the human resources sector; approved as a special department.
In connection with this event, the Library. Al-Farabi organized an informational and documentary exhibition
Dаte: 2 December 2021
Exhibition organizer: Al-Farabi Library.
The exhibition consists of the following sections
- Kazaktyk rukhani tiregi-kazak radios Ulttyk ukili oni
Brief overview of the exhibition
Kazaktyk rukhani tiregi-Kazak radios History of Kazakh radio Kazakh radio is a mass media that, for almost a century, has been expanding the vitality and unique cultural identity of an entire nation. He mysteriously and beautifully conveys the Kazakh culture, verbally describing the variety of melodies. On September 29, 1921, the Council of People’s Commissars of the Kazakh ASSR decided to establish a republican radio broadcasting. Broadcasting began in October in the then capital of Kazakhstan, Orenburg. Kazakh radio is, first of all, the voice of the era.
Ulttyk ukili oni The continuity of generations is glorified through instructive national values. Through the national radio, attention is paid to the upbringing of a generation compassionate to the people through the assimilation of Kazakh traditions and customs, the augmentation of knowledge. The program aims at the continuity of generations, sharing the spiritual, social, educational and exemplary life of the country. I will tell you the unspoken secrets of my life full of memories as I mentally travel through my career and childhood.
Readership of the exhibition: conference participants, guests, library readers, etc.
Documents presented at the exhibition: books, magazines.
Exhibition design: photographs.
Results of the exhibition: familiarization of readers with materials on biology from the collection of the Al-Farabi library.