«Kazakhstan’s way of development»

In honor of the 30th anniversary of the country’s independence, the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University hosted the International Scientific and Practical Conference “New Era of the Kazakh People”.

The purpose of the event is to consider the role and place of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the world community in the aspect of studying the process of forming foreign policy relations. The main emphasis was placed on historical events and persons who contributed to the country’s gaining sovereignty.

The conference was attended by state and public figures, deputies of the Senate and Mazhilis of the Republic of Kazakhstan, representatives of the akimat of the city of Almaty and public organizations, historians and experts.

In connection with this event, the Library. Al-Farabi organized an informational and documentary exhibition.

For the 30th anniversary of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Al-Farabi library presented the exhibition “Tauelsizdik shezhiresi”. The Al-Farabi library, together with our country, contributed to the celebration of independence and presented at the exhibition books, magazines and other documents from the fund of the Al-Farabi library, dedicated to the theme of independence.

This exhibition inspires us to once again remember the new history of our country on the way to independence.

The exhibition consists of the following sections

  • Independence and the first President
  • Continuity of power
  • Independence: a dream come true

Chronicle of independence

Rouhani zhagyru for the years of independence

Achievements of KazNU them

Al-Farabi Works of the faculty of KazNU
