In the Republican House of Friendship, a meeting was held between the Deputy Chairman of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan – Head of the Secretariat of the APK Marat Azilkhanov with representatives of ethno-cultural associations, scientific and creative intelligentsia, and the media.
Malik Otarbayev, Advisor to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, also took part in the event. In his speech, Marat Azilkhanov stressed the importance of unity and harmony among the people of Kazakhstan in matters of building New Kazakhstan.
As the main problems in the modern information society, he put forward manifestations of disinformation and provocations, the commitment of a part of society to various stereotypes, prejudices and fakes. In this regard, he believes that the most effective measure in overcoming these trends will be the ability of citizens and society to critically evaluate destructive information that harms the atmosphere of peace and harmony in the country. “The development of informational immunity from provocations is becoming as important as the formation of biological immunity from infections,” he added.
In turn, Malik Otarbayev noted that one of the conditions for building a New, Fair Kazakhstan is to strengthen the unity of the people of Kazakhstan. Quoting the Head of State, he stressed that the New Kazakhstan is built on three mandatory principles – justice, continuity and progress.
In connection with this event, the Library. Al-Farabi organized a book exhibition.
Date: 10 June 2022
The purpose of the exhibition: Promotion of literary works of Kazakh writers translated into other languages. At the same time, the formation of cooperation and unity between peoples, the popularization of literature in the languages of different ethnic groups. Popularization of the book, linking and unification of Kazakh literature with the literature of other nationalities. Also increase the number of library users of other nationalities.
Exhibition sections:
Kazak zhazyshylarynyn ozge tylderde audarylgan tuyndylary
Adebiet salasyndagy ozge etnos okylderynyn shugarmalary
Kazak zhazyshylarynyn ozge tylderde audarylgan tuyndylary. Translation is not only a means of life, dissemination and education, but also an example of economic, social, spiritual, scientific relations between peoples. Today, translated works occupy a special place in the friendly relations of peoples, their closeness to each other. For centuries, the Kazakh and world peoples lived in close contact in the cultural and literary space. And for 30 years of independence of the Kazakh people, due to the change in the historical and social situation, a sharp change in the ideological and aesthetic content of literature, the problem of interliterary relations began to find a new solution. Accordingly, the translation of world literature into the Kazakh language, as well as the translation of Kazakh literature into world languages, reflects the relationship between Kazakh and world literature.
Adebiet salasyndagy ozge etnos okylderynyn shugarmalary.This part of the exhibition began with the book “Kazagym barda men barmyn” by the famous scientist, public figure, member of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan Asly Osman. National literature is the bridge of friendship. President Nursultan Nazarbayev signed a decree declaring 2015 the Year of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan. This is necessary for stability, peace and harmony in the country, for its eternal prosperity. This means the preservation of the cultural values of each people, the desire for friendship, cooperation and unity of the multinational Kazakh people.Peace is very important for the future of the country. Today, every ethnic group living in Kazakhstan has an equal right to promote their culture, traditions and customs, to speak their native language. Books translated into Kazakh by other ethnic writers are also included in this section.
The readership of the exhibition: forum participants, guests, media representatives.
Exhibition design: books, quotes.